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UC Berkeley Students Co-Design With Senior Citizens


This Spring, Jon and I had the great privilege to work with three student teams who developed creative solutions to help and delight people their grandparents' age.

UC Berkeley (aka "Cal") has a wonderful program called the Fung Fellowship

in which extremely talented students spend two years learning Design Thinking and innovation techniques to design solutions for social good. We are so proud of the teams we worked with and want to give a shout out to all of the students, faculty and advisors who participated in a nine-month program to collaborate with older adults to co-design multiple products and services that can make life easier, more enjoyable, safer, healthier and more fun.

One team's research explored how people's needs related to designing their "forever home" vary by demographics and family situation. The team developed a platform to help people make home remodeling or furnishing choices that can help them live their best lives.

Another team designed a platform for cross-generational virtual games that encourages social engagement -- more like an in-real-life family game night than is current experiences such as over Zoom.

And the third team we worked with designed a unique food delivery service for seniors that made everyone's mouths water during the virtual pitch session last week.

We have been inspired and educated through this chance to work with the Fung Fellows and encourage all of you to collaborate with students in your area. Everyone benefits through a diversity of ideas and approaches. Contact me if you want advice for reaching out to universities or working with students.


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